Welcome to

Nawa ForestVerse

Where Trees and

Tomorrow Flourish

Pretty woodland, paulownia tree plantation

At the heart of Enrekang, South Sulawesi, lies a thriving haven known as

Nawa ForestVerse an initiative from Nawa Ranch. Here, nature's symphony thrives, and sustainability takes center stage. Our mission is resolute - fostering the growth of the remarkable Paulownia Elongata tree, a sustainable & ethical source for wood and pulp.

Do you want to be part of the change?

Main Programs

Princess tree ( paulownia tomentosa ) Blauglockenbaum in autumn

Sustainable Wood | Ethical Pulp Source

Cultivation for Harvest

Rapidly growing Paulownia Elongata trees provide sustainable wood and ethical pulp production in just 5 to 6 years, significantly faster than traditional forestry.

The process of planting paulownia, the root system in the hands of the gardener. Young green paulownia tree, breeding flowering trees by a gardener.

Environment Restoration | Community


Collaborating with local authorities and communities, Nawa ForestVerse restores ecosystems, promotes biodiversity, and mitigates deforestation's effects.

Honoring Loved Ones | Symbol of Legacy

Memorial Trees

Families can honor loved ones by planting memorial trees, creating lasting legacies that contribute to environmental conservation.

Why Paulownia Elongata?


Growing Rate around 5 - 6 m/


A tree with a moderate growth rate gains 30 to 60 centimeters* in height each year. Within merely 5 to 6 years, the wood of Paulownia Elongata can be harvested, attaining the growth comparable to what conventional industrialized wood demands decades, if not centuries, to achieve.

Powerful CO₂ absorber, and

O₂ producer

Paulownia has the remarkable capacity to absorb 10 times more CO₂ than most other tree species, simultaneously emitting substantial amounts of oxygen. A single Paulownia tree can sequester 22 kg of CO₂ while generating 6 kg of oxygen.



These trees, with their large leaves and flowers, offer habitat and sustenance to a variety of wildlife species, such as birds and insects. Our cherished Trigona bees at Nawa Honey Farm, in particular, benefit from the nourishing nectar of the magnificent purple flowers on our Paulownia trees.

*All sources linked on each numbers

Support Us

Nawa ForestVerse welcomes the support of individuals and organizations who share our vision. Your contributions help us continue our vital conservation and education efforts. Together, we can protect the natural beauty of Enrekang and ensure a healthier planet for generations to come.

Join us in nurturing hope and cultivating change. Explore Nawa ForestVerse and be a part of our journey towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Close-up of Paulownia tree blooming flowers



Contact Us

Maiwa Village, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Tel: (+62) 812-3782-0524

Business Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Office closed on Saturday and Sunday

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